About Farmstead Outdoor Adventures
Farmstead Outdoor Adventures is part of Farmstead Bike Shop in Northfield!
Owners Greg Neis and Brianna Lane (that’s us!) opened Farmstead Bike Shop in South Minneapolis in 2016. In 2021 We expanded and opened a second location in Northfield - an incredible town that we have spent a lot of time getting to know over the years and have always loved! Our Northfield shop overlooks the Cannon River so naturally we were dreaming of paddling. We thought - how great it would be to start a paddling rental program? But there was already a well established outfitters nearby, The Gear Resource, and we didn’t want to compete.
One day in the spring of 2021 a guy walked into our shop looking for a bike part and we were chatting about our dreams of expanding to kayaks but not wanting to step on the toes of the folks at Gear Resource. He laughed a bit and asked, “wanna buy it?” Turned out we were talking with one of the owners of the outfitters and they were looking to sell! We happily took them up on their offer and they were pleased to hand off the kayaking and snowshoe side of the business to folks who will run it much like they did!
The Boathouse in Dundas, MN
We store all of our boats in the Archibald Mill Ruins Engine House in the heart of Dundas - just about 4 miles up river (south) from our bike shop.
Learn more about the Ruins of The Archibald Mill.
Independent. Local. Welcoming.
Located in South Minneapolis and in Northfield, MN! We are a neighborhood bike shop - family owned and operated since 2016. We sell a wide variety or bikes and bike products. We are happy to service ANY bike. In the winter we also service cross country skis and we hope to add ski sales to our repertoire.
Farmstead Northfield - 422 Division St. | 507-366-2006 | info@farmsteadbikeshop.com
Farmstead Minneapolis - 4001 Bryant Ave. South | 612-824-9300 | service@farmsteadbikeshop.com

“The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing.”
– John Muir